Automatic Control & Electrical Systems
The scientific programme of ACES 2022 will be operated by two most renowned research laboratories in the fields of electrical engineering and automation: the Research Centre in Computer Science, Signal and Automatic Control of Lille (CRIStAL, 400 members) and the Laboratory on Electrical Energy and Power Electronics (L2EP, 100 members) — both hosted by the University of Lille.
Both labs offer PhD theses on various topics including automatic control and electrical systems. Globally ¼ of the PhD are co-supervised with international universities (Canada, China, Europe, North Africa, etc.) and ¼ of the PhD are in collaboration with the industrial world (Alstom, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault, Siemens, etc.).
The CRIStAL research laboratory has a joint research laboratory with Nanjing University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), focused on automatic control: the LaFCAS. The L2EP research laboratory has annually held an international Summer School “Energetic Macroscopic Representation, modelling and control of electric vehicles and other applications” since 2006 (even year in Lille, odd year abroad) – the 2008 edition was organised in Harbin (China).
These parnerships and experiences will benefit the ACES 2022 Summer School.