
Table of contents


Prof. Arnaud GAUTHIER, Full Professor, Civil Engineering and Geo-Environment Laboratory (LGCgE), University of Lille (coordinator of the scientific programme)
Eng. Franck BOUVET, Regional adviser at WASH and Climate Resilience, UNICEF Office for West and Central Africa
Ass. Prof. HDR Philippe LE COUSTUMER, Associate Professor HDR, Bordeaux-Montaigne University
Ass. Prof. Simon NADEL, Associate Professor HDR, Lille Centre for Sociological and Economic Research and Studies Laboratory(CLERSÉ), University of Lille
Dr. Hande OKUTAN , PhD, Bordeaux-Montaigne University
Prof. Baghdad OUDDANE, Full Professor, Laboratory of Spectroscopy for Interactions, Reactivity and Environment (LASIRE), University of Lille
Ass. Prof. Sana OUNAIES, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering and Geo-Environment Laboratory (LGCgE), University of Lille
Prof. Isam SHAHROUR, Full Professor, Civil Engineering and Geo-Environment Laboratory (LGCgE), University of Lille
  • Etablissement (Lilliad)

Collaboration for a top-tier programme

The scientific programme of HYDRO 2025 will be operated by two top-tier research laboratories: the Civil Engineering and Geo-Environment Laboratory (LGCgE, 200 members) and the Laboratory of Spectroscopy for Interactions, Reactivity and Environment (LASIRe, 80 members) — both hosted by the University of Lille.

Their parnerships and international outreach will benefit the HYDRO 2025 summer school.
